Last night we went to a Boston RedSox game, they were playing the Baltimore Orioles. They were killing the Orioles 14-0 until the 8th inning when it began to down pour and the RedSox starting getting lazy the Orioles scored 8 runs. The RedSox ended the game with a 14-8 lead.We had a really great time, Jonah jr had a blast. Jonah jr ate nonstop at the game he loved eating the hotdogs, cotton candy, nachos, and his favorite pizza. We had great seats, we were the 1st row from the field about 30 ft from the 1st base. Jonah Jr was running up and down the stairs he was so excited his Red Sox were winning he constantly clapping and throwing his hands up when they scored. I took a picture of his t-shirit but if you can not read it is says I root for Boston and anyone who beats New York!! The fans loved it!
Great pictures!! I love Jonah's t-shirt. I'm so glad you can take him to fun things like baseball games. He's a great kid-- we loved seeing him last weekend!
11:37 PM
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